08:30 - 09:00: Registration
09:00 - 10:00: Presentation w/Discussion - TTIA - Green Energy: The Decarbonization of Buildings
10:00 - 11:00: Presentation w/Discussion - TBC - TBC
11:00 - 11:30: BREAK
11:30 - 12:30: Presentation - BIA - Cultural Architecture
12:30 - 01:30: Presentation - Consultant: Natalee Aimes- Harrigan - Occupational Safety and Health
01:30 - 02:30: LUNCH
02:30 - 03:30: Case Study - Kevin Broomes/Neil Hutchinson - Building Codes: Fire
03:30 - 04:30: Workshop - MACON - Innovative Building Materials:"Insulate Concrete Forms"
04:30 - 05:30: Workshop - Sherwin Williams - TBA
05:30 - 07:30: Award & Cocktail reception - Meet the Winner of the Women in Construction - Designing & Building on Sustainable Digital Tranformation
3 onbrandglobal digital business cards
Surprise prize valued at $400
Association Members Employers: $4,200 (6 employees)
Non-Members Employers: $4,800 (6 employees)
Post-Secondary Schools/Colleges/Universities: $5,500 (10 students)
Individual Members: $750 (3 days), $275 (per day)
Individual Non-Members: $900 (3 days), $325 (per day)
Students: $600 (3 days), $125 (per day)
Association Members: $300 (3 days), $150 (per day)
Non-Members: $400 (3 days), $200 (per day)
Students: $200 (3 days), $100 (per day)
Tour: $50 (online participants only)
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